BUDA SESSIONS • The Tar Pits – Fenêtre Ovale & friends • 13.1 Sound

SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 2022 AT 6:00 PM – 10:30 PM UTC+02

Sonology student Lawrence Mc Guire curates a multichannel electroacoustic music event at BUDA BXL for which he has invited his fellow students Marija Kudabaité and Liza Kuzyakova, and his friends from the Brussels collective Fenêtre Ovale.

BUDA BXL is a cultural hub in the north of Brussels (Budasesteenweg 96) hosting events, workshops and other creative activities. more information about the event can be found here.

Marija Rasa Kudabaitė
::_~+50°52’45.5″N 4°21’13.8″E (2022) is the third piece in a series of compositions in which recorded silences from different places are used. Windy and empty Laeken Cemetery (Brussels) in January on a Sunday afternoon. Amplified and processed recording becomes the starting point for composing the piece. Added to the gestures already encoded in the recordings of “silence” and incorporated instruments, there are new ones that are contracted by micro-editing in time and space.

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