V2_ Publishing in Rotterdam has made Kees Tazelaar’s book On the Threshold of Beauty: Philips and the Origins of Electronic Music in the Netherlands 1925–1965 available as PDF, which can be downloaded for free here: https://v2.nl/publishing/on-the-threshold-of-beauty-digital-version.

Curtis Roads: “Kees Tazelaar’s On the Threshold of Beauty is a wonderfully readable story of a fascinating period in the history of music in the Netherlands. Extensively researched, this impressive work of scholarship is very important to the field of electronic music.”
On the Threshold of Beauty was written as a dissertation for TU Berlin (PhD awarded in May 2013) and then published as a book in November 2013. The book is almost sold out. The free digital version was made possible with the generous support of the Konrad Boehmer Foundation and the Société Gavigniès.